Àwa’rawa Movement is a political force, a campaign group that seeks to identify various socio-political issues, propose sustainable solutions to them, and fix the divide between the Local Government and her people.
Why the name Àwa'rawa?
/Àwa’rawa/ – the Yoruba word for democracy.
The idea was mooted in the city of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The purpose is to reach the grassroots with a name for what we stand for.
April 2021
About Àwa'rawa
At the center of it all is a democracy, grassroots development and innovation. How do we explain democracy to the local population, many of whom do not care who is in government? After all, the government has not contributed anything meaningful to their economic life in a long time. Explaining the Local Government roles and responsibilities to them needs to be done in the language they understand.
First, at least 90% [unofficial stat] of the people living in Ibadan North are Yoruba speaking. The rest are non-Yoruba speaking. In furtherance of that, we have an official Hausa translator. We don’t have one, but we will advertise the position for an Igbo translator too, very soon.
We have the plan to officially use the Hausa word Dimukaradiyya for movement in the entire North until we are widely accepted enough to specify in other languages; Ochichi oha karasi for the East. Other languages are planned for too in accordance with how far we can move. Our official language is English.
Lastly, our headquarters is located in Ibadan North. As we progress in mobilization and expansion our conferences and leadership will rotate nationwide. Our ideas, however, are uniform.
We will publish the programmes of action and our calendar consequently.
The God of creation blesses you.
join the movement
Call for Members
Àwa’rawa Movement is a political force, a campaign group that seeks to identify various socio-political issues, propose sustainable solutions to them, and fix the divide between the Local Government and her people.
Do you take time to think about your community?
Do you know that politics is not inherently evil but a tool to change the future if placed in good hands?
Do you believe that restructuring Nigeria is better than secession?
Do you believe in a smaller central government and that the local government should be autonomous?
Do you believe in democracy, freedom, and secular values?
Then join Àwa’rawa Movement today.
If [and only if] your thoughts align with the above-stated position, join the movement via these buttons below:
Donate to the Àwa’rawa Movement today.
If your thoughts align with the ideals of the movement, please donate via the button below:

The Àwa’rawa Movement Workshop was created to address the fundamental contradictions in Nigeria’s democracy and to challenge the threat of dictatorship and ethnic agitations. Great themes will be explored by our faculty of experienced speakers and facilitators.