Quotes on Leadership and building a Team.

Quotes on collective society and life principles
Political Thought
While doing politics, you must train yourself intelligently to respond to modern problems.
Ojo, Aderemi
Political mentorship is lacking in the Nigerian political atmosphere
Ojo, Aderemi
The correct political attitude is first built within the family.
Ojo, Aderemi
Racism would not stop until Nigeria starts to play its role in History.
Ojo, Aderemi
While doing politics, you must train yourself intelligently to respond to modern problems.
Ojo, Aderemi
Political mentorship is lacking in the Nigerian political atmosphere.
Ojo, Aderemi
The correct political attitude is first built within the family.
Ojo, Aderemi
The courage of the young is threatening the global order.
Ojo, Aderemi
Youthocracy is a positive ideology.
Ojo, Aderemi
Building Nigeria is not hard for a leader who has built himself.
Ojo, Aderemi
Nations are built when people are built. No nation develops when its leadership hoards money.
Ojo, Aderemi
The meaning of poverty alleviation is not giving peanuts to the people, it is getting them on an economic track that regenerates money.
Ojo, Aderemi
A university should make you ready. A Thinker. Not a Recording Machine.
Ojo, Aderemi
We often talk more about the Wisdom of Solomon but less of the age of Methuselah. Age and
Wisdom are two parallel lines that never meet and will never meet.
Ojo, Aderemi
In life or anywhere, do not,I urge you to never confuse oppression/sadism, for discipline.
Ojo, Aderemi
I look forward to a society where the judges of character will be able to stand the test of it.
Ojo, Aderemi